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Wallpaper Can be produced with ease at digisigns and we have produced some stunning images.

Digital technology has now come of age and has revolutionised the industry for wall coverings. We can print as many colours as we want, or have huge repeats. It also means the minimum print run is just one metre – with no tooling costs! This has transformed the playing field, making it much easier to test print or to produce small sections for walls.

Full image murals:

With such a huge library of high-resolution digital photography at our fingertips, another growth area is whole-wall murals. Until now more commonly provided to the trade sector by large companies and an expensive option, digisigns produce wall coverings on HP wallpaper material to bespoke images.

One-off designs:

The ability to change the scale or colours of a design at the click of a button has opened the door onto a fabulous new world of customisable papers that simply wasn’t possible before digitalisation, except at the very highest end of the market. Without the limitations of minimum print runs, digisigns can make anything just for you, tapping into the current trend for personalised interiors.

Get bespoke printed wallpaper for just £20 per square metre this May.