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Printing has been around for many years, and it hasn’t been known for its greener shade, however at Digiprint, we believe the way we treat the environment impacts directly on the way we live and work, and we are committed to making a difference by taking matters into our own hands.

At Digiprint, we aim to be as environmentally friendly as possible, giving you the best bespoke solution for your specific requirements and at the same time reducing our carbon footprint. One way we do this is through our programme for change, Go Green Printing. We are passionate about the environment and can put it into practice by operating in an environmentally friendly way. Through a combination of investment in greener technology, Eco links, and recycled or forestry managed papers, waste management, and clever sourcing, we can offer you a truthfully green printing service.

Our paper is sourced from Forest Stewardship Council certified suppliers and manufactured using environmentally sustainable procedures, and our waste paper and used rags are all recycled. We also recycle any liquid waste we produce. Our lithographic printer inks are entirely vegetable based and our digital presses use dry toner based inks and are naturally green. By taking these necessary measures, we ensure that every aspect of our business is geared toward environmental sustainability. So, whatever you purchase from us, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll receive the greenest and most ethical print products available.

However, it’s not all big changes that can make a difference. We pride ourselves on making small changes, such as introducing low energy LED lighting in our studios. Just something as small as this can vastly impact our environment.

So, if you are as committed as us in reducing your carbon footprint and seeing a greener world, make a difference and choose your best local green printers today. For more information, contact our dedicated team of professionals.

Digiprint – green printers – naturally.

find out more: Green and Ethical